Pinterest, friend or foe?

Pinterest, friend or foe?

How happy am I to see that beautiful sunshine today! I have just started to feel human again after an AMAZING weekend away in Barcelona celebrating my hen! Big hats off to my fabulous sister who single handedly organised the whole thing! Any how I am diverting away...
September, our best bits

September, our best bits

I can’t quite believe that we are almost in October & well into the Autumn season, this week is our last wedding of this years wedding season before things calm down for us & we go off on our holiday (Steve & I are off to Lake Garda for some well...
Show Time at Bluewater Wedding Fair

Show Time at Bluewater Wedding Fair

I know, I know it has been a couple of weeks since I last blogged! I am rather annoyed with myself as I set a target to blog once a week and had been doing very well with sticking to it for the last couple of months, up until now. However things here have been rather...
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