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tips for starting a career in floristry

Do you adore flowers and have been distracting yourself day dreaming about working with them quietly for a while? Perhaps you are contemplating starting a new career in floristry but feeling a little overwhelemed with where to begin? Hopefully today's Tips for...

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Tips for starting a career in floristry

Our take on Gatsby for a private party in Greenwich

A couple of weeks ago we had the pleasure of doing our take on Gatsby for event flowers for a private party at The Trafalgar Tavern in Greenwich. The floral designs were made up of a mix of white and nude flowers, paired with gold vessels and pampas...

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Romance doesn’t have to mean roses

With today being Valentine's Day, we thought we would share some of our favourite romantic flowers with you. Although most people think of red roses when it comes to flowers for Valentine's Day, they are really expensive at this time of year, and there are so...

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Say Hello to Sarah…

Is there no end to this miserable weather? It makes me dream of spring, the milder weather, and the pretty blossom growing on the trees. But the gloomy weather isn't dampening my spirits. Well, not today anyway, because it's Sarah's first official day working with...

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Wedding Table Plan Inspiration

I have been for my morning swim, tackled my inbox & not long got off the phone to the fabulous Becky Lord after discussing the re-brand for our website which I am SO excited about (due to launch in March so watch this space!) I hope your week is going well so...

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2017 Wedding flower & decor trends

I hope you had a fabulous Christmas! I for one have eaten FAR to much & so the diet & exercise regime is already underway, New Year, new start (such a cliche I know!). It's that time of year when we're all feeling reflective & thinking ahead to 2017 and...

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Festive DIY Glitter Vase Tutorial

I'm now feeling suitably festive after our recent trip to Iceland (as most of you who follow us on social media will already know we were there celebrating Steve's 30th Birthday). If you haven't been before you MUST go, it is the most incredible place and just so...

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Recent Posts
arches, Urns & Hanging Installations

arches, Urns & Hanging Installations

Back in April (which already seems so long ago). I had a two day 1:1 workshop with Kirstie and we covered an array of different designs. Including arches, urns & hanging installations to name a few. It was a super busy but really enjoyable couple of days that I...

A herald to Spring with blossom and Fritillaries

A herald to Spring with blossom and Fritillaries

It's finally been lovely and sunny here this week in the South East of England and I am fully embracing it after what has felt like the longest coldest winter! So this post, a herald to spring couldn't feel more appropriate. Last month I had the absolute pleasure of...

tips for starting a career in floristry

tips for starting a career in floristry

Do you adore flowers and have been distracting yourself day dreaming about working with them quietly for a while? Perhaps you are contemplating starting a new career in floristry but feeling a little overwhelemed with where to begin? Hopefully today's Tips for...

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