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2020 Highlights

To say it's been a strange and crazy year would probably be a bit of an undistatement. Living through a global pandemic has certainly been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs! However it hasn't been all bad. As we come to the end of the year I'm feeling...

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Inspired By Spring

With this beautiful warm sunny weather we have been having recently I think it's safe to say Spring is well underway! In today's post I'm paying homage to my favourite (along with Autumn) season. Sharing with you a little Spring inspiration, I hope it offers some...

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Flowers, Babies and New Journeys

Hasn't it been cold these last few days? There has certainly been a shift in the season as we start veering towards winter! I even had to dig out my hat and scarf collection that had been hiding at the back of the wardrobe to wear last weekend, still having popped...

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Lavender Love A Day Spent At The Hop Shop In Kent

A couple of Saturday's ago I spent the day strolling through the lavender fields at the Hop Shop, Castle Farm. What better way to spend a sunny Saturday? I absolutely adore the smell of lavender, its probably my favourite scent in fact! It's such a soothing...

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The Importance of Self Care

How's your week going so far? Mine's going well, although I have a to do list as long as my arm and not enough hours in the day to get everything done! Which leads me today's post, the importance of self care. One of my main goals for 2018 is look after myself...

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Self Care

New Year Thoughts and Reflections, Rose Thorn and Bud

I was planning on doing a New Year reflections round up post but yesterday I spotted on Flowerona that Rona had featured a blog post based on a technique called Rose, Thorn and Bud which I absolutely loved. This New Year Thoughts and Reflections, Rose, Thorn and...

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New Year Thoughts and Reflections, Rose, Thorn and Bud
Recent Posts
arches, Urns & Hanging Installations

arches, Urns & Hanging Installations

Back in April (which already seems so long ago). I had a two day 1:1 workshop with Kirstie and we covered an array of different designs. Including arches, urns & hanging installations to name a few. It was a super busy but really enjoyable couple of days that I...

A herald to Spring with blossom and Fritillaries

A herald to Spring with blossom and Fritillaries

It's finally been lovely and sunny here this week in the South East of England and I am fully embracing it after what has felt like the longest coldest winter! So this post, a herald to spring couldn't feel more appropriate. Last month I had the absolute pleasure of...

tips for starting a career in floristry

tips for starting a career in floristry

Do you adore flowers and have been distracting yourself day dreaming about working with them quietly for a while? Perhaps you are contemplating starting a new career in floristry but feeling a little overwhelemed with where to begin? Hopefully today's Tips for...

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