Hints and Tips for a Career Change into Floristry

In today’s post I am sharing with you some of my tips on how to start your own wedding and event floristry business. Starting with the first fundemental question you need to ask yourself. 

Have you been thinking about a career change into floristry? I have recently received lovely emails from people contemplating a career into floristry asking for advice. So decided it might be helpful to compile a blog post sharing hints and tips for a career change into floristry and starting out in the world of flowers.

Hints & Tips for a Career Change into Floristry

The Honest Truth

I want you to go into this with your eyes wide open. Working as a florist really isn’t just ‘playing with pretty flowers all day.’ Being a florist is hard work. It often entails early morning starts, long days and it is physically hard work too particularly if you are working on a big wedding or event you can spend a lot of the time up a tall ladder! That being said if you have a passion for flowers, and enjoy being creative you will absolutely love being a florist!

Hints & Tips for a Career Change into Floristry


There are a plethora of amazing floral course options to choose from aimed at different levels and abilities. Although before jumping in at the deep end I would suggest enrolling on a short one day or a couple of taster classes. To get an idea if working with flowers is something you might like and want to pursue further. I offer an Introduction to Floristry class along with 1:1 flower classes which are bespoke to you and what it feels you would like to focus on. Whether that be learning new foam free mechanics and techniques or wanting to learn a more natural way to arranging with flowers.

My biggest piece of advice would be to learn the techniques, finding your style and everything else will follow later. Take photos of your work whilst you are learning. It’s a great way of keeping a diary record that you can refer to and see how much your work has developed and how far you have come.


The more experience you can gain whilst learning your craft, the better. If you are in a position where you can offer to do work experience for free, you will gain so much from offering to help. It may sometimes mean doing the more mundane jobs such as scrubbing buckets and sweeping the floor. However you will still gain a lot of practical hands on experience. I would recommend compiling a short list of floral designers who’s work you love, whether they specialise in events or are shop based. Contact them to express your keeness and that you would like to gain as much experience as you can.

Hints & Tips for a Career Change into Floristry
Hints & Tips for a Career Change into Floristry

Once you feel more confident and that you have learnt all the basic skills needed. You could offer to create bouquets for your friends and family perhaps for birthdays or special occassions. It’s a great way to keep practicing and creating with flowers. You may then even have friends or family members that ask you to do flowers for other occassions. Such as weddings.

You can then start to build up your professional portfolio from there. If you are feeling overwhelmed about the business side of starting up a floristry business. My Digital Masterclass – How to Start your Own Wedding and Event Floristry Business. Guides you through the whole process. I also recommend checking out the Flowerona blog as Rona shares useful information about the industry along with helpful tips for florists too. If you are determined and passionate then you can succeed.

Hints and Tips for a Career Change into Floristry
The demo urn I created during the class

I hope you have found these hints & tips for a career change into floristry helpful. The images in today’s post were from our recent Floristry Taster Day masterclass with the lovely Hannah. I was so impressed with her beautiful creations! Especially as it was her first time doing any kind of floristry. If you would like to find out more about my floral masterclasses take a look at the website. These classes are designed for those with little or no experience, thinking about a career change into floristry. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment on this post or send me an email.

Take care and keep safe.


  1. Emma Lynn

    Hello I am have qualified in Floristry 2 over a year ago and set up a studio. I had a very successful Christmas making bespoke wreaths. I am desperately seeking a uk or Chinese wholesaler who provides very high quality silk flowers and I don’t know who to ask for advice. Are you able to help? I have trade accounts for fresh flowers but really need to find one for artificial. Alot are very cheap looking. Thanks for any advice you can provide me with. Emma

    • joannetruby

      Hello Emma,

      Apologies I somehow missed your comment. Unfortunately I don’t work with artificial flowers so it’s not an area I am too familiar with but have you tried Lavenders of London at all? They are a sundries wholesaler based at New Covent Garden Market and I know they have a fairly large selection of faux flowers.

      I hope that helps.

      Best wishes



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