Once or twice a year I like to attend a flower workshop, for my own personal development. To learn a new skill and to have a day where I can switch off and get creative and inspired. I have been an admirer of Brigitte’s (owner of Moss and Stone) work for a while. We would often chat regularly via Instagram too so I already felt like I knew her before we had met! So when I attended the spring study workshop with Moss and Stone a couple weeks ago needless to say it was a real treat!
Set in the beautiful Sulkfolk countryside, Brigitte’s house is so dreamy! It most definitely would not look out of place gracing the glossy pages of House and Garden magazine that’s for sure! After sampling some of the delicious homemade biscuits she had made we went for a stroll around her gorgeous garden. Despite the very long and cold winter we have had her garden was bursting with various Spring delights! There were a sea of Narcissus bobbing their heads cheerily to greet us along with tulips. Some of which we were lucky enough to use in our arrangements and those dainty yet might Fritillaries. We also got a little sneak at some of the lovely summer goodies that would be flowering in the next few months including her Sweet Peas (my favourites!).
We had such a wonderful selection of flowers to choose from during the class as you can see below. Lots of heart eye emojis & swooning I know! There were; Fritillaria, Sweet Peas, Ranunculus, Blushing Bride Lilac, Butterfly Ranunculus, Narcissus, Oxy, Fox Gloves, Hellebore’s and those stunning Icelandic Poppies and Brigitte’s Brown Sugar home grown tulips which were scented! Who knew Tulips had scent?? They smelt delicious too! There was also a few different varieties of Blossom and some interesting twiggy foliage.
Once we had finished swooning over the flower selection Brigitte began with her demo piece and it was lovely to see how she works and creates her designs. She talked through mechanics and started off by adding some tall blossom to create her initial shape. This also gave height to her urn design too.
I adore how light and airy Brigitte’s demo arrangement is. The size of the arrangement in comparison to the container didn’t matter, the bigger the better as they say! Next up it was our turn to create our urn designs and I decided that I wanted to push my size boundaries and adopt the bigger the better attitude too. In true Joanne style I opted for colour with a medley of bright popping corals and oranges. Paired with different tones of pinks and hints of blue to add contrast to the design. Brigitte was also delighted that I incorporated her Brown Sugar Tulips too, how could I not? They were stunning!
My finished urn design captured by the talented Gina Dover Jaques Photography, I love the shape and it’s light airiness. The Spring Study Workshop was a day well spent I enjoyed my time very much. I left feeling inspired and I got to meet some other lovely ladies too some whom were florists, some keen gardeners who loved flowers. Every one done a superb job with their designs, they were all stunning! Thank you to Brigitte for having me, I hope we get to see each other again soon.
Image Credits: Gina Dover Jaques Photography