This week were talking to the wonderful Jenny from Bellaboo and Beau, I have worked with Jenny on several shoots and she is a creative genius! This year I am also super excited to be working with her on a real wedding in July. Over to Jenny to tell you more…
Can you tell us about Bellaboo and Beau and what it is you do?
Bellaboo and Beau is all about creating unique and imaginative weddings. I call myself a wedding stylist as it really is the easiest way of explaining it but what I do can vary hugely, from creating a common theme/brand for the day to completely taking care of the visual aspect in it’s entirety.
Every couple is different, unique and they have their own little idiosyncrasies that make them so. We all want our day to speak these things but some of us just need a bit of help and out of the box imagination to do so, and that’s where we come in 🙂
How did you get into styling?
I am a graphic and brand designer, I have been designing for the corporate world for 7 years and then after having my 2 little boys and not being able or willing to commute daily to a design agency, I reassessed my path. I saw that there was a place for me in the wedding industry. It would give me the level of emotion and forming of personal relationships that I lacked in the corporate world and meant that my passion for creating new and inspiring environments could be unrestricted by company policies. I now ‘style’ in a variety of areas, including for photographers, weddings and other events, both private and corporate.
What is it you love the most about what you do?
The passion and unlimited ability to create an atmosphere, display and environment that challenges what people are used to and portrays some of the couple’s own quirky traits. I love to be able to do that, to deliver something that helps them to have their special day made just that little bit more special.
How do you help couples achieve the ‘look’ they envisage for their big day?
I work closely with them to not only turn their ideas into reality but to elaborate on them and bring all of the little elements together. It is sort of like building a brand, it’s constructed in a similar way. Brands are made up of attributes, both the visual and emotional elements that encompass what a brand is. The colour it is, the font it has, the imagery it uses, the market it targets and the emotions it installs. People are the same, as are my brides and grooms. The trickiest part is getting them to figure out that they need to share even some of what they believe to be insignificant details with me in order for me to envisage the overall picture and potential. I have created a questionnaire that just gets them thinking about these things and then we talk, have tea and just get to know each other. Usually the ball starts rolling then and it doesn’t take long for the pennies to start dropping and for things to fall into place.
What would you say is going to be hot in 2014 for weddings?
I think that we will see a lot of bright and bold colour splashes. Long has lived the muted tones and pastels of vintage and longer it may last. However, I feel a resurgence of bold and bright and neon, funky lighting, graphic prints and Tokyo-inspired imagery. Urban trends and industrial styles will come through and merge with a feminine yet powerful colour pallette. That’s what I think anyway 😉
What plans do you have for Bellaboo and Beau in 2014?
I have lots of plans for this year! Lots will involve the collaboration of some of the amazing, equally creative people I have met over the last couple of years. It is my year to show the wedding world what I am made of. Watch this space 😉
Do you need help with pulling together your ideas for your big day? Talk to Bellaboo and Beau, big thanks to Jenny for guest posting for us today.
Joanne xx
Thankyou my lovely 🙂 God knows what people will think of me with that silly madhatters hat on! lol. xxxx
Ahhh, this is a lovely piece, Jenny it truly a fabulous stylist and any couple would be lucky to come across her and book her for their big day. x
Thank you Kelly for your comment & I couldn’t agree with you more 🙂 x