The title of today’s blog post really says it all, I’m dreaming of Spring! Let’s face it once Christmas and New Year has been we’re just a little bit over winter aren’t we? (or is it just me?!) The dark short days, the miserable cold and wet weather, as I type right now it has started to chuck it down with rain outside! All you really want is some sunshine and a bit of warmth! I’m dreaming of seeing all the wonderful delights that Spring has to offer; the beautiful Blossom growing on the trees, the daffodils smiling cheerfully in every flower bed and pot where it grows happily and seeing those clear blue skies!
‘There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night and Spring after Winter.’
-Rachel Carson

Rebecca Douglas Photography
Then there are the Spring flowers, where to even begin? Springs offerings include some of my all time favourite varieties! There’s Ranunculus with their elegant ruffled petals. The Cloni Hanoi are jaw dropping in terms of their beauty and colour and although they come with an eye watering price tag at the market you can forgive their expensiveness when they look as stunning as they do! My wedding was in March and these of course were in the chosen line up for our florals, how could they not be? Along with the Cloni variety others which are also very note worthy include; the Pon-Pon Ranunculus which have unique ruffled petals and are available in a range of different colours and then their are the Cappuccino Ranunculus which have a flecked edging detail that are a different tone to the main flower itself, which I just love! Let’s not forget the standard varieties too (not overly sure I like the term standard it does create the illusion that they aren’t quite good enough doesn’t it?) one of my favourites is Azzur Black which is a rich velvety wine/burgundy colour. The newbie to the Ranunculus world is the butterfly variety that is perfect for creating interesting ‘wiggly’ lines within arrangements. All in all I think you would be hard pushed to find someone who doesn’t love these little beauties?
I didn’t quite intend to waffle on for one whole paragraph about Ranunculus alone but that’s how much I love them! Another stunning Spring flower are Anemone’s and my all time favourite variety has to be the white ones with the dark centres I adore the monochrome contrast between the white and the black they just look so dashing! Then there are the Narcissi with their delicate little heads that carry the fresh sweet smell of Spring the Paper Whites being a particular favourite with their clean white petals. The two tone daffodils are really pretty too, the white ones with the peach/coral centres are amazing! We used them in our Mother’s Day bouquets last year and I’m hoping I can get my hands on some again this year! Tulips, one day I will get round to making that trip to Holland to visit the Keukenhof Spring gardens. There are so many amazing varieties, too many to list all of them but two that spring to mind immediately are the Parrot Tulips and the Double headed tulips, which when they open just look incredible and most definitely give madame peony a run for her money in my opinion!
Then there is the fresh fragrant lilac which you find growing abundantly from March to April. Maiden’s blush is my favourite variety such a dreamy colour used in bridal bouquets for a soft romantic look. The wild English varieties available at GB foliage and Porters at New Covent Garden Flower Market are also beautiful and brilliant for large scale arrangements were you want to create that wild organic yet abundant look.
One place definitely worth a visit during late Spring if you have never been before is the Chelsea flower show with so many inspiring displays there is lots to see and do if you are a flower lover. I also adore seeing all the shop window installations created during Chelsea in Bloom too, some of which are incredible works of art! I don’t know what the theme is for this year but I can’t wait to see what floral designs are conjured up. Each year I think they can’t possibly get any better and then some how they do!
Are you dreaming of Spring too? Hopefully you have found today’s post inspiring and has got you excited for it’s arrival. Until then it’s nights in snuggled under the blanket in front of the TV (I would add by the log fire to really set the scene but sadly I don’t have one!) we’re currently watching a drama thriller series called The Tunnel, have you seen it? It’s sooo good! We have the final episode to watch and then will have to find a new box set (any recommendations I would love to know). What is it you are most looking forward to with the arrival of Spring? I would love to know!
We are in the mists of finalising all the details for this years upcoming seasonal Masterclasses which I am super excited about and we shall be releasing the dates in the next week! One will be in March so do keep an eye out or you can sign up to our newsletter (the sign up box is on the footer of the homepage) and be one of the first to know. If you fancy coming along and getting creative with flowers we would love to see you there.
Keep warm!