Have you noticed it too? There’s a cooler more crisp breeze in the air, that beautiful late afternoon golden sunlight that makes everything glisten and sparkle then there’s the leaves starting to change colour as they fall from the trees and my favourite cardigan that has been retrieved from the back of the wardrobe, yep there has definitely been a shift in the seasons and Autumn is here.
The prospect of a new season excites me, especially Autumn. As with it comes a change in pace from the hectic summer season. I relish this time as it’s a time to recharge the batteries and unwind but also a time to reflect and re-focus the mind. I have been a bit of a home bird of late with any free time being occupied with reading a good book snuggled under the blanket with copious amounts of tea, I have told myself on several occasions that I perhaps need to venture out of the house but sometimes I think we need to just go with the flow and trust our instincts, this quiet time is probably just what my body needs right now. I’m always in a rush to move on, thinking ahead to the next project, the next event but sometimes it’s important to take time out to just be but not only that it’s also important to reflect on what an amazing 2017 wedding season we have had. Often we can all be a bit guilty of not celebrating our achievements which means that they are not properly acknowledged or given the air time that they deserve. So I’m going to spend the next few weeks doing things that make my soul happy, catching up with friends for coffee (some of which have wondered if I had been kidnapped as I haven’t seen them since April!) going for woodland walks, reading my favourite magazines that I highly recommend; The Simple Things which covers a mix of topics from crafts to food and travel (all of my favourite things rolled into one) and In The Moment which shares mindful ways to live your life well (you can see why I’m not getting out much! ;-). Hubby and I are also off on a much needed holiday to Croatia, Dubrovnik to be precise (we’re both big Game of Thrones fans so need I say any more 😉 ) which I am super excited about I’m sure there will be updates over on Instagram stories if you want to follow our holiday shenanigans! I’m also increasing the amount of regular exercise I do, I love to go swimming as not only does it help keep me fit but I find it really helps to clear my mind too. I always seem to have a more productive day after I have had a swim. I usually try to go twice a week minimum but the last few weeks have been so busy I have struggled to go once a week so now I have the time I shall enjoy going three to four times a week. When running a business you are constantly learning lessons and this is one of the things I love as I feel you learn so much about yourself as a person and I have learnt lots this year. One of those being knowing my bodies limitations and what I can and can’t do. For those of you who may not know I was born with Spina Bifida, which means there are some physical aspects to floristry which I find more of a challenge. I tend to get tired a lot more easily and some of the lifting can be a struggle but it’s just making sure that I am aware of it and asking for help when I need it. I’m lucky to have an amazing team of freelance girls and my hubby Steve whom I will always be thankful and grateful for all their help and support. I’ve also learned that it’s important not to neglect ourselves even during the busy periods as if I’m not functioning at my best then of course it’s going to effect my business so regular exercise and daily meditations are a must for me (Aura is a great free app which offers daily meditation exercises). Also remembering to get that work life balance which I know can be tricky, I still don’t feel I have fully mastered it but I am getting better. I’m also limiting the amount of time I spend on social media each day as let’s face it, it’s addictive and before you know it you have wasted hours procrastinating looking at what everyone else is doing instead of getting on with your to do list!
I’m currently working on the details for our next seasonal masterclass and shall be releasing the details very soon, watch this space or you can sign up to our newsletter (link at the bottom of our homepage) to stay up to date with all the latest news. However for now it’s time to relax and embrace this new season. How do you unwind? What exercises do you have as part of your routine? Are there things you have been wanting to do but haven’t yet got round to doing yet? Remember to make time for you.
As always would love to hear your thoughts