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Mastering Bridal Bouquets 1:2 Workshop

Hello Guys! Goodness can you BELIEVE it's been nearly a whole year since my last blog post?! Today I wanted to share with you a joyful day from back in April this year when I spent the day with the lovely Rebecca (Lilac and Lace) and Kate (The Floral Magpie) as they...

Flowers, Babies and New Journeys

Hasn't it been cold these last few days? There has certainly been a shift in the season as we start veering towards winter! I even had to dig out my hat and scarf collection that had been hiding at the back of the wardrobe to wear last weekend, still having popped out...

Autumnal Flower Inspiration

Autumnal Flower Inspiration

It's hard to believe that we are now in mid October and it's currently 25 degrees outside! How crazy is that! I just adore the Autumn season. All the pretty colours on the trees and seeing all the leaves scattered on the ground and blowing in the wind, makes me feel...

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