2016 Thoughts & Reflections

In today’s post I am sharing with you some of my tips on how to start your own wedding and event floristry business. Starting with the first fundemental question you need to ask yourself. 

I know I have said this before but seriously how is it possible that were now in NOVEMBER, just crazy! It’s around this time of year that the wedding season starts to wind down and I tend to take stock and reflect on the busy time which we have had. We’re still busy, busy with lots of behind the scenes projects (more on that later) but for now I just wanted to voice my 2016 thoughts and reflections. I have been wanting to write this post for quite a while, as those of you who follow us on social media will know, yet every time I have gone to compose it I just haven’t been able to muster up the right words to express myself. However having now had some down time to process my thoughts it seems I’m better positioned to write this personal post.

I would say that this has been my toughest year with the business to date for many different reasons and I have come very, very close to throwing in the towel. It’s been what I would call a transitional year for myself and the business and I most certainly felt like I had come to a cross roads questioning what exactly it is I wanted from Joanne Truby Floral Design and where did I see our future going? As my fellow florist and supplier friends will know running a business is hard and working alone can be so lonely and isolating at times (particularly for someone who is quite a sociable person). To much time alone to think can lead to thoughts of self doubt and if you are feeling a little low social media can be your worse enemy (we have all been there I’m sure). Comparing ourselves to others thinking that we should be doing better etc. and it can quite easily spiral out of control ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ as they say. Believe it or not the actual amount of time I spend working with the flowers themselves can be minimal, single handedly running a business means that there are many, many more jobs that I need to cover besides from working with the actual flowers themselves. From hosting consultations to creating design briefs and quotes, managing social media, overseeing all the ordering and buying of the flowers for each wedding and event, raising invoices, maintaining the website, marketing to tidying the workshop, the list goes on. Sometimes particularly during peak season when you feel tired and wary it all can feel a bit too overwhelming to the point where I have seriously considered getting a 9-5 job. From a creative perspective too when you’re so busy you can begin to become stuck in a rut not having the time or space to feed your inspiration and creativity which then adds to your motivation levels being low and as a designer I feel it is imperative to take time out to reignite that creative spark and find your mojo again if you are to continue being the best you can be. With all this in mind I have had to dig deep and make the decision as to if I walk away in pursuit of a job which offers regular working hours and stability or if I am to continue on this floral journey and if the latter what changes am I to make as I know I could not continue as I was.

After taking the four temperaments test last year (if you haven’t done it yet, have a go it’s really interesting and you discover so much about yourself) I discovered that I have a sanguine temperament. Which in a nutshell is…’Sanguine people are boisterous, bubbly, chatty, openly emotional, social extroverts’. other then the social extrovert part, I wouldn’t completely agree with (Steve on the other hand probably would) I think that does some me up to a tee. Besides this one of the other traits also associated with the sanguine temperament is that they are highly creative but can get bored easily. Now this in particular really resonated with me as I realised that since establishing my business four years ago it’s the only job I haven’t got bored with (ever) and wanted to stick at it despite it being a tough year I know I still have more to give. So that was the decision made, as tough as it can get my determination to succeed still outweighs the negatives,  but what next?

Well this year has seen the beginnings of me diving into the realms of teaching when we held our first one to one class back in April which lead to the launch of our floral master classes. I have discovered a real love for teaching and I’m thrilled to say that I have plans to nurture and grow this arm of the business hosting different classes on a regular basis through out the year as well as offering one to one tuition so I am very very excited about that. After running the business for nearly five years (we celebrate our 5th birthday next year!) I would like to think I can teach someone a thing or two! We will also be hiring out our vast collection of vessels and props which I have built up over the last few years from vases and urns to candlesticks and lights I’m currently in the mist of compiling our stock inventory and it will be ready to download from the website soon as part of our creative styling service.

Other big news is, we are re-branding! Yes I am so super excited to announce that we will be unveiling our ‘new’ look early next year. Our style has evolved and changed so much in the last couple of years along with the actual business itself that I no longer feel it truly reflects who we are and what we do. Again going back to my point of it being a transitional year part of that was coming to the realisation that our branding no long represents us. Once I had made the decision it felt right and I am thoroughly enjoying the design process at the moment and the journey of discovery it is taking me on. It’s forcing me to answer a lot of tough questions but ones that need to be answered none the less. So watch this space as all will be revealed in the coming months that follow!

As the saying goes ‘you are nothing without a team’ and that is very very true. I have always appreciated my amazing team of freelance girls and known that I was really lucky to have their help and support but I realised this year that I just can’t possibly take this business to the next level of where I want to be and where I dare to dream on my own, simple as that. Again going back to this transitional year and the cross roads point that I keep mentioning from that this is the biggest realisation I have made. Is not only do I know I can’t continue to grow the business as a one man band, nor do I want to, If I am to continue building the business it needs to be with someone else. I concluded that the workload alone is just to much for me, but also from a motivational point of view I need someone that we can bounce ideas off of each other, someone that I can run my decisions past and get a second opinion someone that can just have my back in general. Enter Sarah, who will be joining Joanne Truby Floral Design early next year as our first permanent member of staff!! I know this is a BIG step for us but after nearly five years of beavering away on my own building this business from scratch now feels like the perfect time. Sarah has been working with me as a freelancer for the last two years, although she is currently on maternity leave at the moment as she gave birth to her beautiful daughter Chiara back in June so she has been missed this year! However she will be back working with me on a part time basis starting next year and I couldn’t be more thrilled,  can’t wait to have her as a permanent member of the flower family. I will be introducing her properly to you next year but again for now watch this space!

2016 thoughts and reflections…. it’s been a year of soul searching, a year of questioning. Contemplating where I see my future and the future of the business to be but I’m pleased to say that I have come out the other side (after maybe taking the long way round ;-)). Big changes and decisions have been made but I am very very excited about it all and can’t wait to see what 2017 has in store for us!

How’s your year been so far? Any struggles and challenges you have had to over come? (they don’t have to be business related). Please do share, it’s good to talk and sometimes it’s just nice to know that we are not alone!

Love and thanks for all your support and I hope you continue to follow us on our floral journey.


  1. Cynthia Adipue

    Thanks for this heartfelt piece! It really resonated with me and I can see myself on these pages as I’ve been going through similar challenges in my business and considered throwing in the towel at some point! I’m in the South East so will be happy to meet up if you ever fancy it. A big well done on the strides you’re making in your business. That’s encouraging. Your floral master classes sound great and right up my street! (It’s on my list of to dos for next year!) Do let me know once you have dates. Look forward to meeting you some day soon! All the very best! xx

    • joannetruby

      Hello Cynthia,

      Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and comment, I wasn’t sure if I should post it or not but sometimes I think it’s good to get your feelings out in the open. After all we are all human and a lot of the time go through the same thoughts and struggles, us small business need to stick together. It’s so hard running your own business but I hope it gave you some comfort to know that you are not alone. Where about in the South East are you based? Oh yes please do come along to one of our floral master classes it would be lovely to have you there. I would be happy to meet for coffee, let’s get something in the diary for the New Year. If it’s something you love and are passionate about don’t give up! You can do it. xx


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