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Supplier Spotlight

Supplier Spotlight: Fiona Kelly Photography

Morning folks, I know its been a little while since I last blogged but I have a treat for you today. We are chatting to the lovely Fiona Kelly Photography, I was fortunate enough to have Fiona photograph one of my first weddings back in 2012 and I knew before I...

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Supplier Spotlight: Bellaboo and Beau

This week were talking to the wonderful Jenny from Bellaboo and Beau, I have worked with Jenny on several shoots and she is a creative genius! This year I am also super excited to be working with her on a real wedding in July. Over to Jenny to tell you more... Can...

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Supplier Spotlight: Clare Simpson Designs

It's this weeks supplier spot light and I am chatting to the lovely Clare Simpson Designs, now me & Clare actually went to secondary school together all them many moons ago, its funny where life leads you as back then I don't think either of us thought we would...

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Supplier Spot Light: True Blue Ceremonies

I'm delighted to share with you today a guest post from the wonderful Katie at True Blue Ceremonies, I met Katie at the Scotney Castle Wedding fair last September where we both exhibited. I love what True Blue Ceremonies do & I am a great advocate of Katie's...

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Supplier Spot Light: Rebecca Douglas Photography

Every week over the next month or so I will be sharing with you our new feature series; Supplier Spot Light. Showcasing some of our favorite suppliers that we have had the pleasure of working with that are going let you in behind the scenes of what goes on in their...

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Recent Posts
arches, Urns & Hanging Installations

arches, Urns & Hanging Installations

Back in April (which already seems so long ago). I had a two day 1:1 workshop with Kirstie and we covered an array of different designs. Including arches, urns & hanging installations to name a few. It was a super busy but really enjoyable couple of days that I...

A herald to Spring with blossom and Fritillaries

A herald to Spring with blossom and Fritillaries

It's finally been lovely and sunny here this week in the South East of England and I am fully embracing it after what has felt like the longest coldest winter! So this post, a herald to spring couldn't feel more appropriate. Last month I had the absolute pleasure of...

tips for starting a career in floristry

tips for starting a career in floristry

Do you adore flowers and have been distracting yourself day dreaming about working with them quietly for a while? Perhaps you are contemplating starting a new career in floristry but feeling a little overwhelemed with where to begin? Hopefully today's Tips for...

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